RealLine HBV / HCV / HIV

RealLine HBV / HCV / HIV

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The RealLine HBV / HCV / HIV kit is intended for the differential detection of HCV, HBV, HIV Type 1 and HIV Type 2 by Real-time PCR in one test.

Product Description

The assay kit is intended for the qualitative and differential detection of DNA of Hepatitis B-Virus (HBV) and RNA of the Hepatitis C-Virus (HCV) and the Human immunodefiency Virus (HIV) Types 1 and Type 2. Sample Material Blood serum and plasma Detection Channels FAM (495 – 520 nm) for Internal Control (IC) HEX (535 – 554 nm) for HCV RNA (Mastermix 1) and HIV-2 cDNA (Mastermix 2) ROX (575 – 602 nm) for HBV DNA (Mastermix 1) and HIV-1 cDNA (Mastermix 2)