RealLine EBV quantitative

RealLine EBV quantitative

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The RealLine EBV quantitative kits are designed for sensitive detection of Eppstein-Barr-Virus DNA in clinical samples by Real-Time PCR. The kits are designed for in vitro diagnostics and can be used for a quantitative determination of the viral load.

Product Description

The Eppstein-Barr-Virus EBV has infected more than 90 % of the world’s population, leaving the majority of individuals with a lifelong silent infection. Many children become infected with EBV asymptomatically. But the virus can also cause severe diseases and is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis and others. EBV is associated with the development of two epithelial tumors, nasopharyngeal carcinoma and oral hairy leukoplakia. Sample Material Blood serum, plasma Cerebrospinal fluid Saliva Biopsy materials Orophyngeal swabs Bronchopulmonary lavage Whole blood Detection Channels FAM (495 – 520 nm) for Internal Control (IC) ROX (575 – 602 nm) for Eppstein-Barr Virus EBV DNA